Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Cirkel and Garlick

this is about a day before funereal day :)
another hard day :)
but it end with the most sweetest thing in that night, aha!
this is my first night when i spend my time with my best boy in a cafe! :)
well first, after eat, he picked up me and then we went to Garlick :)
Garlick is located at Jl. Bawean No. 28
and i've got my first (finally! -___-) wondershoe :)
this is a cute shoes i think :)

and belive it or not, my best boy want robinet shoes. i hope he'll buy it someday :)

after that we went to Cirkel Cafe :)
not so far from Garlick shop
and check this out! :)
Cirkel Milk (my best boy's), pancake with strawberry ice cream, cappucino vanila ice (i forget its name -.-)

the weird thing is my best boy really like the pancake :)
aha i'm very happy to see he eat the pancake a lot haha :)
thanks Allah, for give me this night :)

funereal day

yesterday is a funereal day :'(
when i know i dont belong to SCO CIMSA
after what i've done
after what i've followed
and i'm not the one of the 2010 SCO CIMSA
i was so feeling unfair
i was so feeling that was a favoritism

but uhh
let it go!
i just believe to Allah that He will give more more good thing for me than belong to SCO CIMSA UNAIR
it really really makes me relieved when i said in my heart, "Allah, Ya Adl. Allah, Ya Adl" :)
this life is unfair, but ALLAH is very very very very very very fair to its creature :)

Selasa, 23 November 2010

surat untuk Allah

Maha Suci Allah yang tidak hanya memberikan pelajaran kepada hamba-Nya melalui suatu hal yang jelas
Maha Suci Allah yang memberikan pelajaran kepada hamba-hamba-Nya yang mau berpikir
Ya Allah! Sungguh adil diri-Mu
Engkaulah satu-satunya yang mengerti bagaimana hamba-Mu itu
Engkaulah satu-satunya yang mengerti tentang perasaan hamba-Mu kepada-Mu

Ya Allah, terima kasih Engkau telah menunjukkan kepadaku bagaimana kualitas dari setiap hamba-Mu sungguh tak dapat dilihat dari berbagai sisi yang tampak dari dalam dirinya
Sungguh benar jika sesungguhnya hanya Engkaulah yang tahu

Ya Allah, ampunilah aku
Ampunilah hamba-Mu yang tak punya apa-apa ini
Hamba-Mu ini tak mengerti bagaimana caranya bersyukur
Hamba-Mu ini tak mengerti bagaimana menebus dosa-dosa yang telah dilakukannya

Ya Allah.
Maha Agung Engkau
Segala puji untuk-Mu
Engkau tak henti-hentinya memberikan kebahagiaan kepadaku
Engkau tak henti-hentinya membantuku
Engkau selalu mendengar dan mengabulkan doaku
Sungguh apapun yang Engkau takdirkan merupakan yang terbaik darimu bagi setiap hamba-Mu

Ya Allah
terima kasih :)
terima kasih Engkau selalu beradadi dekatku :)
terima kasih Engkau selalu menuntunku :)
terima kasih atas segala pembelajaran yang Engkau berikan padaku :)
semoga segala yang telah Engkau beri mampu aku manfaatkan agar bermanfaat pula bagi orang lain :)
I love you, Allah :)

Minggu, 14 November 2010

CIMSA goes to Orphanage

so hot today (like another day in soerabaja)
today is world diabetes day :)
and everybody use blue to appreciate that :)
happy me, i can join with CIMSA (Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities)
today, me and another CIMSA's crews (especially SCORP and SCOPH) go to orphanage in menur area
we have fun today
we teach many children over there to be able to washing their hands correctly
we teach themwhile sing a song called "washing hands song"
check it out its lyrics :)

gosokkan telapak tangan
punggung tangannya juga
masuk ke sela-sela
dua tangan mengunci
jempol kanan dan kiri
kuncupkan jari-jari
pergelangan tangan (jangan lupa dibilas)
selesai cuci tangan

so simple, right? :)
i do happy when they memorize the song :)

oh ALLAH, my Lord, thanks for your grace that you've given to me :)
You're so kind to me :)
i love CIMSA and their crews so much :)

Minggu, 07 November 2010

di sekitarku omongannya ya begini ini -,-

Pernikahan Adalah....

Pernikahan adalah akad untuk beribadah kepada Allah SWT, akad untuk menegakkan syariah Allah SWT, dan akad untuk membangun rumah tangga yang sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah...

Pernikahan adalah akad untuk meninggalkan kemaksiatan, akad untuk saling mencintai karena Allah SWT, akad untuk saling menghormati dan menghargai, akad untuk saling menerima apa adanya, akad untuk saling menguatkan keimanan, akad untuk saling membantu dan meringankan beban, akad untuk saling menasehati serta akad untuk setia kepada pasangannya, baik dalam suka maupun duka, dalam kefakiran dan kakayaan, juga dalam sakit dan sehat....

Pernikahan berarti akad untuk meniti hari – hari dalam kebersamaan, akad untuk saling melindungi, akad untuk saling memberikan rasa aman, akad untuk saling mempercayai, akad untuk saling menutup aib, akad untuk saling mencurahkan perasaan, akad untuk berlomba menunaikan kewajiban, akad untuk saling memaafkan kesalahan, akad untuk menyimpan dendam dan kemarahan serta akad untuk tidak saling mengungkit – ungkit kelemahan, kekurangan dan kesalahan....

Pernikahan adalah akad untuk tidak melakukan pelanggaran, akad untuk tidak saling menyakiti hati dan perasaan, akad untuk tidak saling menyakiti badan, akad untuk lembut dalam perkataan, akad untuk santun dalam pergaulan, akad untuk indah dalam penampilan, akad untuk mesra dalam mengungkapkan keinginan, akad untuk menumpahkan kasih sayang, akad untuk saling merindukan, akad untuk tidak adanya pemaksaan kehendak, akad untuk tidak saling membiarkan dan akad untuk tidak saling meninggalkan....

Pernikahan juga bermakna akad untuk menebarkan kebajikan, akad untuk mencetak generasi berkualitas, akad untuk siap menjadi bapak dan ibu bagi anak – anak, dan akad untuk membangun peradaban masa depan....

PERNIKAHAN adalah AKAD untuk segala hal yang bernama....KEBAIKAN (:

 by: Cahyadi Takariawan - Di Jalan Dakwah Kugapai Sakinah -


this picture like saying, "honyon honyon" :3


sorry, but
you used to look the other way
you used to save them troubles for another day
you used to never take the blame
you'd pull a sunshine story in a pouring rain
you don't know what you got till you're missing it a lot
what you did to me was hurtful
what I'm going through is hurtful
you'd rather give your ego another push

sorry, but
i can't forgive you

Kamis, 04 November 2010

scary day :'(

cutting and running
run from a person who desired to kill us
it really scary :'(

*i've got a very bad dream today :((

Rabu, 03 November 2010

thank you Allah :)
you gave me this day :)
you gave me much happy things today :)
i've just met my best boy :)
so happy see him :)

but, reality is reality
i've seen amatasid group on facebook, and read that tomorrow is biomed announcement day
jeng jeng!
my heart immediately beat so fast
and you know what?
senpai said that it is a very very scary day in the whole world
i dont it a lil bit excessive
but it's true, anyway
it's scary :'(
okay, let's see
or just let it flow?
huhu i'm afraid so much :'(

a b c wants

many times i say these in my heart
i want to make a change
i want to make my own fashion

i hope i can buy some fabric as soon as possible to make my own clothing :)

yesterday night

i have to study ppkn
fall asleep. always -__-

those two sentence that always shade me yesterday whole night -,-
haha but silly me, i've just start read my ppkn this dawn -,-
and do you know what i've been made in yesterday night? :D

this handsome face take mind off ppkn :)

hahaha Danny O'Donoghue :) the vocalist of The Script :)
but it just one night love :p
i love my best boy anyway :))

wednesday afternoon

i do it. make up this room (again!)
yeah, i dont know, why i could do some weird thing like this? -__-
but i think this is a kind of progression for me. Ya-Ha! :D
my mother must be proud of me :)
actually, i really show this to my ex-room mate, deboy, deol, lingling, and that crazy girl huncie buncie muncie muncie ahaha
they must be so surprised :)

i do love make up this room, but one
i do still lazy if i have to wash my dishes -__-
please God, help me solve this spring fever gone. go go away till i cant meet with it again ahaha
God, i do love you so much :)
you help me a lot today, thank you sooo much :))

Selasa, 02 November 2010

heart whisper

rakastuin oi
Rakastan sinua, mutta en ole mitään verrattuna sinulle

another friends talk

hello there :) i'm back :) i'll tell you one of much sweet things in my life :)

relung  : yaa berdoa vid :) semoga bagus yaa hehehe. iya dicoba aja tanya irma, ga kangen yaa sama kita? :'(
fajar    : aku udah gak ada yang nemenin main, apalagi cuma buat makan di sangkuriang :'(
septi    : aku gak ada temennya naik turangga lagi
iqbal    : vi, dimas mau traktiran jaket baru
debby : ayok makan di sangkuriang lagi
safrian : vi, TP udah?

friends, how sweet you are! :) i just have less than a year with you, but you always remember me :) you always remind me everything that happen in the past. it will be the nice past :) i'm happy i've spent my time with you :)
i love you, guys :)
i miss you so much emak, fajar, relung, deboy, deol, lingling, anggi, irma, ayu, andri, arga, dimas, ridho, evet, irna, teh yuli, tika, ragil, baim, iqbal, om jin, sasa, manda, elen, sheigma, muflich, si buncit, anak smp TT-33-03, dan other friends in bandung :))

Senin, 01 November 2010

time before biomed and PBL

not me, lead you to here
but you make your own way to go here
not me, who put that clothes to you
but you make your own fashion that fit with you

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

clo edition

welcome to hijab world :)
welcome to clo edition :)
please check my latest clo edition :)

Kamis, 16 September 2010

jeritan hati

huft, why do you be so extreme and cruel? :'(
I've been worrying you
and like there's no nothing happen you went to play :'(

info for this day 1

PD UA 2010 Kelas B
A. CP PJ matkul
sgala info ttg matkul bisa ditanyakan kpada mereka :

1.agama Islam
PJ : Aziz 085733643972 & Syamsul 081331770210

2.biologi Kedokteran
PJ : jatu 085731182833 & olivia 083857165608

3.Etika kedokteran
PJ : Basir 081934931644 & Devi 085749308143

PJ : Glabela 081554762944 & Citra 085736373890

PJ : Kevin M. 087851324443 & Randy 085645458192

PJ : galuh 08563155015 & rinta 085648259090

B. Buat yang pengen tau ttg jalur jarkom PD B
harap dicatat No HP ketua Jarkom masing2

1.absen 1-10 Drestha 085647467669
2.absen 11-20 Yenni 08385918792
3.absen 21-30 Dionisius 087853845117
4.absen 31-40 Aziz 085733643972
5.absen 41-50 Lana 081332600137
6.absen 51-60 Ayu 081233325418
7.absen 61-70 Farid 085737400110
8.absen 71-80 Hima 08563129907
9.absen 81-90 wilbert 081346580138
10.absen 91-100 Fahmi 085730515101
11.absen 101-110 Indrianto 08985331391
12.absen 111-115 Asrori 081347185792

harap setiap absen terakhir pda setiap kelompok, seperti absen 10,20, dst mengirimkan kembali sms jarkom kpda komting PD B utk memastikan bhwa jarkom sudah tersampaikan secara sempurna. terima kasih!

Senin, 13 September 2010

PD 2010

subhanallah sekali dah
teman-teman PD UNAIR 2010 emang top markotop
rajin-rajin banget v.v
berikut merupakan pengumuman yang sumpah orang-orang sumber informasinya update banget!

sudah ada jadwal UAS bo!

jadwal kegiatan akademik

kuliah perdana PD 2010

jadwal praktikum taun kemaren

kelompok PBL PD 2010

berikut adalah NIM dan nama teman-teman sekelompok selama satu semester ini :)
jeng jeng!
tara! this is it!
kelompok PBL 3B
Alan Christy S (011011136)
Aminuddin Aziz (011011161)
I Putu Pramana (01101190)
A.A Gd Bagus Paramartha (011011218)
Achmad Basir Rachman (011011241)
Olivia Listiowati P (011011148)
Rinta Prasetiyanti (011011164)
Ayu Marina Hapsari (011011181)
Vidya Nurina (011011200)
Lidya Purnama Dewi (011011224)
Vidyawati (011011244)

semoga kita bisa melalui tugas-tugas maupun ujian PBL dengan baik
amin amin amin v.v 

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010


here it is :)
pictures with my best boy :)
what i can tell?
absolutely, he is a very good boy :D

past and now

first, i want to give my very very big thanks to my Lord,
because of course and always grant my wish

i remember
in the past, there is no really be with me when i'm alone
when everybody come home,
when everybody have their own activities
when everybody have their own friends and hang up
i always alone in my little room
and my laptop always be my best friend

and now what? :)
everytime i feel alone
everytime i feel bored with my life
and everytime there is nobody to be with me
i know there's always you
my best boy :)


saya baru saja tahu kalo di kosku ini
ada tikus!
and well, gak bagusnya mereka kejar-kejaran di atas atap kamar
and it sounds disgusting

doa menghilangkan kejenuhan

Ya ALLAH . . .
saya jenuh
saya bosan
saya ingin main :'(

izinkan aku mempunyai waktu untuk nonton Ya ALLAH :'(
izinkan my best boy biar punya duit biar mau diajak nonton Ya ALLAH :'(

saya benar-benar jenuh dan ingin jalan
(jeritan dalam hati)

what's on today

pelajaran hari ini :
"mene-mene tuku mangan dewe wae lah. timbang bareng-bareng pas kari sithik liyane gurung mangan sungkan te mbadhok akeh, and finally, jek luwe"

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010


"menjadi sukses adalah mencoba menjadi kreatif dan inovatif.think different!"

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

hot sunday

hari ini panas sekali :'(
back to my hot boarding room (again!)
ngadep laptop
dan berusaha mencari ide untuk artikel aku dan negeriku
hell yeah, and i really blank! :'(
wish me get that brilliant idea for my article immediately!

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

zakry :)

nothing else to say

you're my laugh, my happiness, my heart, my soulmate
you are my everything

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

first nice saur

this is my first nice saur
no so much nice
but better than throw up your food
i listen to sisters in my boarding room
they talked about be on duty in hospital
hm i really want it happen to me immediately :D

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

my first night in new boarding room

this my first night in my new boarding room :)
yeah, i got a lil crazy day
first, i had to buy some house electronic equipment and many more
so i and my family went to ITC
and i was bought dispenser, fan, very tall mirror,etc
and then we jumped to Plaza Surabaya
and we waited my brother in timezone
 and then we waited for maghrib in Toni Jack's
and we ate at there after maghrib
 after that my parents took me to my boarding house, so they can go home
then, i had to organize my things
it was so messy
and i do feel tired
so i took a bath
but you know? it my fault to bath with Lifebouy
and i feel so itchy right now
i dont know if it is because of my soap, or my bedsheet :'(

but i do happy when i saw my kebun's face :)
and for the first time, tonight i go shopping daily needs with my kebun :)
thank you so much ALLAH :D
thank you :D

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Shining a light — literally — on diabetes

People with type 1 diabetes must keep a careful eye on their blood glucose levels: Too much sugar can damage organs, while too little deprives the body of necessary fuel. Most patients must prick their fingers several times a day to draw blood for testing.

To minimize that pain and inconvenience, researchers at MIT’s Spectroscopy Laboratory are working on a noninvasive way to measure blood glucose levels using light.

First envisioned by Michael Feld, the late MIT professor of physics and former director of the Spectroscopy Laboratory, the technique uses Raman spectroscopy, a method that identifies chemical compounds based on the frequency of vibrations of the bonds holding the molecule together. The technique can reveal glucose levels by simply scanning a patient’s arm or finger with near-infrared light, eliminating the need to draw blood.

Spectroscopy Lab graduate students Ishan Barman and Chae-Ryon Kong are developing a small Raman spectroscopy machine, about the size of a laptop computer, that could be used in a doctor’s office or a patient’s home. Such a device could one day help some of the nearly 1 million people in the United States, and millions more around the world, who suffer from type 1 diabetes.

Researchers in the Spectroscopy Lab have been developing this technology for about 15 years. One of the major obstacles they have faced is that near-infrared light penetrates only about half a millimeter below the skin, so it measures the amount of glucose in the fluid that bathes skin cells (known as interstitial fluid), not the amount in the blood. To overcome this, the team came up with an algorithm that relates the two concentrations, allowing them to predict blood glucose levels from the glucose concentration in interstitial fluid.

However, this calibration becomes more difficult immediately after the patient eats or drinks something sugary, because blood glucose soars rapidly, while it takes five to 10 minutes to see a corresponding surge in the interstitial fluid glucose levels. Therefore, interstitial fluid measurements do not give an accurate picture of what’s happening in the bloodstream.

To address that lag time, Barman and Kong developed a new calibration method, called Dynamic Concentration Correction (DCC), which incorporates the rate at which glucose diffuses from the blood into the interstitial fluid. In a study of 10 healthy volunteers, the researchers used DCC-calibrated Raman spectroscopy to significantly boost the accuracy of blood glucose measurements — an average improvement of 15 percent, and up to 30 percent in some subjects.

The researchers described the new calibration method and results in the July 15 issue of the journal Analytical Chemistry. In addition to Feld, Barman and Kong, authors include Ramachandra Rao Dasari, associate director of the Spectroscopy Lab, and former postdoctoral associate Gajendra Pratap Singh.

Michael Morris, professor of chemistry at the University of Michigan, says the group appears to have solved a problem that has long stymied researchers. “Getting optical glucose measurements of any sort is something people have been trying to do since the 1980s,” says Morris, who was not involved in this study. “Usually people report that they can get good measurements one day, but not the next, or that it only works for a few people. They can’t develop a universal calibration system.”

Morris says the noninvasive nature of Raman spectroscopy could help boost quality of life for diabetes patients, but that to be practical, any device would need to become more affordable and very simple to use. The Spectroscopy Lab researchers believe that the smaller machine they are now developing should substantially drive down costs by miniaturizing and reducing the complexity of the instrument.

Barman and Kong plan to launch a clinical study to test the DCC algorithm in healthy volunteers this fall. Their work is funded by the National Institutes of Health and National Center for Research Resources.

In October, Barman will receive the Tomas A. Hirschfeld Award at the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Conference, for his work on improving spectroscopy-based glucose measurements.
copy paste from : MIT education

*a way to measure blood glucose levels by shining near-infrared light on the skin
*Universal blue circle symbol for diabetes

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

family silly shoping

it was 9th august of 2010
it was crazy
a lot of laugh and crazy thing!
and when brother sister complete, thing that always happen is EAT!
my brother and sister is the one who always starving
we made a lot of crazy pictures in fit room
and this is one of them :)

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

this is all about

*this is the story of my this is all about box :))
this is why i wanna be a doctor
and what a doctor should

i really want to help another with my knowledge
it really help when we are a doctor or still doctor to be
we all see, medical level in Indonesia is bad
and i want i can make it better soon :))

The Climb

great! and i just make some clicks
and intuitively, i've got this!
The Climb by Miley Cirus
I can almost see it
that dream I am dreaming
but there's a voice inside my head saying
you'll never reach it

every step I'm taking
every move I make feels
lost with no direction
my faith is shaking

but I gotta keep trying
gotta keep my head held high

there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be a uphill battle
sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

ain't about how fast I get there
ain't about what's waiting on the other side
it's the climb

the struggles I'm facing
the chances I'm taking
sometimes might knock me down
but no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
but these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
just gotta keep going

and I, I got to be strong
just keep pushing on

'cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be a uphill battle
sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

*and like usual, i cry :(
i just remember with my struggle to get a chair of Education of Doctor in Airlangga University
i just remember how much tears i've dropped
i just remember how my heart ruin into the smallest pieces when i know i didn't get it
i just remember how my eyes swollen in so many days
i just remember how sad i am when i see the students of Education of Doctor
i just remember how my friends and especially my kebun try to make me always believe that i can reach
and what now?
i still could not believe it, i've got it :'(
thank you so much ALLAH, thank you so much, thank you so much

and this song really make me strong
and i will make all my dreams come true
whatever people said
and whatever kebun said haha :p
i will make it all to the real world :))
i hope i can make it :)

Monrose - This is me

i just find them a lil time ago, intuitively!
and wow! they're wonderful!
they are Monrose
Monrose is one of Germany's most international pop groups :)

Monrose has just premiered the music video for This is me
you can also see them in their new video with click this one :

This is me is the official second single from their fourth studio album entitled Ladylike
And you know what? They formed on the fifth installment of the German version of the international televison talent show Popstars.
Monrose is composed by Mandy Capristo, Senna Guemmour, Bahar Kizil

They really gorgeous!
They're not only hot, but their voice is also very good
and that i love so much, their music!
i sure make you wanna dance :p

team medical dragon

this is the most wonderful, the most inspiring, the most impressive comic ever!
check this out :
i started read this comic when i was in high school
and it still running now
in Indonesia it still in books 11 (original version)
it really recommended for peoples who love to read adult comic
especially recommended for doctor and doctor to be :)
trust me! it really inspiring! :)

i give you a lil description about this comic.
it copy paste from Wikipedia. check this out :

Team Medical Dragon (医龍-Team Medical Dragon-, Iryū -Team Medical Dragon-) is a seinen manga about Japanese medical care written by Akira Nagai and drawn by Taro Nogizaka, under medical supervision by Mie Yoshinuma. It has been adapted into the television drama Iryu, and Iryu 2. The first volume of released on September 30, 2002 in Japan.

Team Medical Dragon has been serialized in Big Comic Superior since 2002. It received the 50th Shogakukan Manga Award for general manga in 2005. The story uses a cast of characters and focuses on many problems prevalent in modern Japan medicine, such as medical malpractice, drug trial, and the stagnancy of reform for the troubled health care system
Akira Nagai, the original creator of the story, was a successful doctor and medical journalist. He died from complications resulting from liver cancer on July 7, 2004.

*the best comic I've ever read

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

ik hou van je

this is a little surprise from my dearest kebun :))
hahaha it really strange for him tell me about his feeling in foreign language :)

i don't know who kebun is (of course kebun it's not his real name)
kebun is my soul mate, my best friend and also he is my best brother :)
he is perfectly a kind boy, although sometime he can be a very bad boy haha :p
but the most, he is a kind boy :)

i love his existence in my life :)
i give you this lil picture, kebun :))
i hope we can get a picture together right there :)
ik hou van je :))

I ♥ Ramadhan

i really love it
i do! 
a lot!

equanimity. that is the most feeling in my heart
i enjoy listen to some people read Al Qur'an alternately
it brings good sense of security
and the most beautiful thing that i've got in this early ramadhan is
i am so close with anyone i love :D

thank you so much ALLAH
i know you always care to me :))

photo one

it's my silly photo with my beloved parents :)
i love you so much, mom, dad :))
*at Rumah Makan Pak Sholeh

find me

hey world!
find me at :
arigatou gozaimasu :D

selamat berpuasa

i do love Ramadhan :))
i do love fasting (though it isn't in Ramadhan :p)
this is for you, for all moslem in the world :))
it's cute i think :))
i hope me and you can get closer to ALLAH SWT :))


jobless, sounds strange -__-
but i do jobless now!
i mean i have nothing that i have to do
just listen to my silly brother which is playing his plastic
it really annoying
but i do love him! :))
he's a good boy, anyway :)

i really miss my dear, kebun :'(
but i'll meet him tonight :))

i dont know why but i do confuse with my next ospek
i am 2010 student
and its name is Achilles
i dont know what that's mean
but Achilles is name of bone and Achilles was a Greek hero of trojan war
it can be means that 2010 students is expected to be a great doctor soon
maybe. finally, i dont know what its truly mean
the name created by my senpai

i hope i can through all my ospek smoothly (amin!!)
i cannot wait to start my study in Medical Faculty :D

hey virtual world!
please wait my next post, danke :))

fashion mind

my head really full of imagination
recently, i always think about sew my own clothes, bags, and shoes
a lil bit sounds crazy
i just dont realize how busy i will when education in Airlangga University start :p

let me show one of my own good fashion look (good for me) :p
tara! it's hockerey :D
i just love the name (i dont know what that's mean actually haha)
i made it with looklet :)
it really good having fun to create our own style with so much branded dresses, bags, shoes, etc
please visit my looklet page if you dont mind :))
you can visit it by click :
please click like if you really like :)
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hey virtual world!
juat wait for my next post! :D

i am newbie

 heyho heyho
this is my first post
and i dont know what to write
i hope this blog will help me so much later :))

okay, i will introduce myself
hey virtual world!
my name is Vidya Nurina, just call me Pipi :))
finally i've got my dream come true :))
i just cannot belive it until right now, it happen! :)
so see what that STILL i cannot believe : 
Alhamdulillah. Thank you so much Ya ALLAH :))
I've dream it since i was in elementary school
wonderful, right? when you know what you most want in this world (lebay) come true? :')
Insya ALLAH, i will be a great doctor soon :)) amin :))
Hey Virtual World!
Just wait for my next post, okay? :D